Helpful FAQs

General Questions

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Can I use the YO Home Sperm Test for Post-Vasectomy Testing?

The YO Home Sperm Test is optimized for fertility testing and provides sperm count values for samples containing more than 2 million sperm per mL. However, to ensure effective contraception after a vasectomy, the sperm count should be less than 0.1 million/mL with no motility. Currently, YO does not measure or report sperm concentrations this low, making it unsuitable for post-vasectomy testing.

How long does the YO Home Sperm Test take?

Please allow at least 30 minutes to perform your test from start to finish. The actual analysis time is about 2 minutes, but the sample preparation process can take up to 15 minutes. To successfully run the test the first time and learn about your results, allow at least 30 minutes.

Are test results stored in the archive, secure?

YO Home Sperm Test results are encrypted and securely stored in a private database. By creating an account before testing, you can access your archived results from any device you log into. Your results remain entirely private unless you choose to share them.

Are there published scientific articles on YO Home Sperm Test?

Absolutely! Please visit the Studies & Publications section of our parent website, Medical Electronic Systems, to explore studies on all MES technologies, including the YO Home Sperm Test.

How many tests can I run with the YO device?

It is recommended to run no more than 12 tests on each YO Home Sperm testing device.  And, it should never be shared between users.

Will my insurance cover the YO Home Sperm Test?

Home testing is HSA/FSA eligible and may be included in some insurance plans, Please contact your provider to confirm coverage.

Will results be accurate if I smoke tobacco/marijuana daily?

Yes, your results will be accurate if you use Tobacco and/or Marijuana daily. If you are interested in making a lifestyle change, YO can be used no monitor sperm quality over time.


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How do I connect YO to my phone?

YO connects to your device by WiFi (your phone sees YO as a router).  The connection starts automatically as part of the testing cycle, but there may be rare times when the connection is lost before or during the test.  If this happens, please perform the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Close all Apps, including those that may be running in the background, before testing.
  • Make sure you are not attempting to access the internet during any part of the testing process. YO needs the connection to communicate with your device.
  • Check your WiFi/internet settings to make sure your device is connected to YO only.
  • Power down your device (not just restart) and reset YO by disconnecting / reconnecting it from its power source.  Then, power your device back on.
  • Make sure your firewall and security settings are not preventing the connection.
  • Try running YO on a different device.
  • If these steps are unsuccessful, please send us a Support ticket through the App.

Can I use another phone if the current one is not working?

You can use any Apple or Android phone to run your YO Home Sperm Test. If you create an account, your results will be transferable between different devices.

What phones can I use to test?

You can use any Apple phone running IOS 15 and above or any Android phone using Android 9 and above.

How old of a phone can I use?

If your older phone has a current version of iOS (Apple) or OS (Android) software, the YO app will work.

Can I skip the 10-minute timer?

No. You must follow the instructions in the app regarding the 10-minute timer to allow the sample to liquefy. This is an essential step to help with slide loading and accurate Semen Analysis.

If the phone disconnects from YO, what do I do?

YO connects to your device by Direct WiFi (offline from the internet).  The connection starts automatically as part of the testing cycle, but there may be times when the connection is lost before or during the test.  If this happens, please perform the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Close all Apps, including those that may be running in the background, before testing.
  • Make sure you are not attempting to access the internet during any part of the testing process. YO needs the connection to communicate with your device.
  • Check your WiFi/internet settings to make sure your device is connected to YO only.
  • Power down your device (not just restart) and reset YO by disconnecting / reconnecting it from its power source.  Then, power your device back on.
  • Make sure your firewall and security settings are not preventing the connection.
  • Try running YO on a different device.
  • If these steps are unsuccessful, please send us a Support ticket through the App.

What if the YO Logo on my YO Device does not light up?

If your YO Device does not light up when you plug it in, please follow these steps:

  • Ensure the small end of the USB is plugged into the YO Device securely.
  • Make sure the device is plugged into a wall socket instead of a PC, or low voltage hub.
  • Confirm that there is power to the wall socket (is a light switch turned on?)
  • Try a different wall socket.
  • Try a different USB cable.
  • Try disconnecting and reconnecting the YO device to the USB cable.
  • If these steps are unsuccessful, please send us a Support ticket through the App.

Collecting the Sample

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How long should I abstain before testing?

You should abstain from ejaculation for 2 to 7 days before testing your sample to receive an accurate result.

Should I collect my sample before starting the YO Home Sperm Test?

No. It is important to follow all instructions inside the YO application, including collection timing and other collection recommendations.  Please follow YO’s direction from start to finish to ensure the most accurate result possible.

Can I use a condom or lubricants for semen collection?

Condoms and lubricants are not recommended for sample collection. They can impact the test results because they may contain spermicidal agents and other substances that may influence your sperm cells. Dry masturbation is recommended for the most accurate result.

Is it possible to collect a semen sample during sexual intercourse?

No. Samples collected during sexual intercourse cannot be used because test results may be adversely impacted because of the pH of vaginal mucous.

How much sample is required for the YO Home Sperm Test?

For optimal results with the YO Home Sperm Test, it is recommended to provide at least 1 mL of sample, although the test can still run successfully with a smaller volume.

How should the semen sample be collected?

Collect your sample by dry masturbation directly into the sample container provided in the YO Home Sperm Test kit. Do not use condoms, lubricants, or partners. YO results may not be correct if you do not follow these instructions.

My religious beliefs state that I cannot masturbate, how can I collect the sample?

You can have intercourse with your partner and use a special condom (non-spermicidal) to collect the sample. Keep in mind that this method may not be completely accurate due to the method of transfer.

Running the Test

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How do I collect the sample?

Collect your sample by dry masturbation directly into the sample container provided in the YO Home Sperm Test kit. Do not use condoms, lubricants, or partners. YO results may not be correct if you do not follow these instructions.

How do I mix the powder with the sample?

Please watch the video titled "Mixing Sample with Pink Powder". VIDEO

How do I extract the sample with the pipette?

Please watch the video titled "Collecting Liquid from Collection Cup". VIDEO

How do I fill the slide with the sample?

Please watch the video titled "Filling the Slide with Liquid". VIDEO

How do I insert the slide into the YO device?

Please watch the video titled "Inserting Slide to the YO Chamber". VIDEO

How do I clean the slide?

Please use a Kim Wipe or another lint-free cloth. Avoid using tissue paper or paper towels, as they may leave lint on the slide, potentially affecting the results.

Hardware Issues

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The YO block doesn’t turn on when connected.

If your YO Device does not light up when you plug it in, please follow these steps:

  • Ensure the small end of the USB is plugged into the YO Device securely.
  • Make sure the device is plugged into a wall socket instead of a PC, or low voltage hub.
  • Confirm that there is power to the wall socket (is a light switch turned on?)
  • Try a different wall socket.
  • Try a different USB cable.
  • Try disconnecting and reconnecting the YO device to the USB cable.
  • If these steps are unsuccessful, please send us a Support ticket through the App.

My slides came broken, what do I do?

We apologize for the trouble. Please submit a ticket via our customer support.

Some components are missing, what do I do?

We apologize for the trouble. Please submit a ticket via our customer support.

App Test Results

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Does YO report a full semen analysis?

Semen Analysis Overview:

In cases of infertility, the male partner is a contributing factor in approximately 50% of cases. A full semen analysis typically evaluates sperm count (concentration), moving sperm (motility), normally shaped sperm (morphology), and other parameters. One of the most critical factors in achieving pregnancy is the number of motile sperm in the sample. If sperm cannot swim to the egg, natural conception is not possible.

The YO Home Sperm Test is not a full semen analysis but rather a convenient first screening to assess key aspects of sperm health. YO analyzes five essential parameters:

  • Concentration
  • Motility %
  • Progressive Motility %
  • Motile Sperm Concentration
  • Progressive Motile Sperm Concentration

Additionally, YO provides a video recording of your sperm sample, allowing you to visually confirm motility and movement as part of the test.

How accurate is the YO Home Sperm Test?

YO is proven > 97% accurate in FDA clinical trials compared to laboratory testing.  YO has also been validated by independent fertility centers and organizations around the world.  Inaccuracies are generally caused by not following the step-by-step instructions correctly.

What are the 5 parameters that YO tests?

  • Concentration
  • Motility %
  • Progressive Motility %
  • Motile Sperm Concentration
  • Progressive Motile Sperm Concentration

What is Sperm Concentration?

Sperm Concentration is the total number of sperm in 1 Milliliter of your semen.

What is Motility %?

Sperm Motility is the percentage of your sperm that is moving. Your sperm may be moving forward, in circles, or in place.

What is Progressive Motility %?

Progressive Motility is the percentage of your sperm that is moving forward.

What is MSC (Motile Sperm Concentration)?

Sperm Motility is the percentage of your sperm that is moving. Your sperm may be moving forward, in circles, or in place.

What is Progressive Motile Sperm Concentration?

Progressive Motile Sperm Concentration is the number of forward-moving sperm in 1 Milliliter of your semen.

What is the dynamic range of each YO Home Sperm Test parameter?

  • Concentration, M/ml = 2 to 150
  • Motility, % = 0 to 90
  • Progressive Motility, % = 0 to 85
  • MSC, M/ml = 3 to 80
  • PMSC, M/ml = 0 to 75

Can I share my results?

Yes. You can share your results with whomever you choose.

Can I share my semen analysis video?

Yes! Your video may be downloaded and shared as desired.

How do I share my results?

Go to the archive section of the app and look for the results you’re looking for. From there you can share or download. You can either download your results straight from the app or you can email them (via a PDF file).

Does YO provide a test report?

Yes! YO generates a personalized PDF test report which you can download or share if desired.

After Testing

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Who can I contact if I have a question regarding the results?

We recommend you get in touch with your healthcare provider. You may share your results for comprehensive feedback.

Where do I throw the device once, I’m done using it?

Keep in mind that the device is good for up to 12 tests. If you are completely done with the unit and wish to dispose of it, please put it in a plastic bag and take it to an E-Waste site or recycling center.

How long should I wait until I take the second test?

Sperm values can change over time. You can confirm your initial results 1 to 4 weeks after the initial test.

How long should I wait until I take the third test?

Sperm values can change over time. You can confirm your initial results with a third test in about 4-6 weeks.