LifestyleSperm Quality Improvement

10 Tips to Shield Your Sperm from Environmental Toxins

By September 11, 2024 No Comments

Environmental toxins are everywhere and we all come into contact with them without even realizing. With male fertility declining worldwide, researchers are trying to understand what’s causing it and the environment appears to be a main culprit. The good news is that incorporating simple changes into your daily routine can make a substantial difference. In this article, we outline ten tips to protect your sperm.

The lowdown on environmental toxins and male reproductive health.

One of the main reasons for a rise in male infertility is a decline in semen quality. Environmental factors such as air pollution, use of pesticides, harmful chemicals, and exposure to excessive heat can lead to decreased sperm concentration, total sperm count, motility, and viability, and increased abnormal sperm morphology, and sperm DNA fragmentation. All of these are a cause of male infertility. Luckily, and as outlined in a study published in Environmental Sciences Europe, all these factors are reversible and can be addressed by tweaking your lifestyle. This is how you can set up the best environment for your little swimmers:

  1. Prioritize clean eating

What you eat can help detoxify your body. Food rich in antioxidants can combat oxidative stress caused by environmental pollutants.

  1. Stay hydrated

Proper hydration helps flush out toxins from your body. Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

  1. Limit exposure to toxins at work

If you work in an environment with exposure to chemicals, solvents, or heavy metals, wear protective clothing and follow safety protocols. Consider requesting a job rotation if you’re trying to conceive. Learn more about how your job can affect your fertility here.

  1. Be mindful of household chemicals

Many household cleaning products, including detergents, hand sanitisers, cleaning agents, and carpet cleaners contain harmful endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC). Opt for natural alternatives or use protective gloves when handling them.

  1. Limit pesticide exposure

If you have a garden, avoid harmful pesticides and herbicides and consider organic gardening methods. When buying produce, choose organically grown options whenever possible.

  1. Choose personal care products wisely

Some personal care products contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Look for products labeled “paraben-free”, “phtalate-free” and “sulfate-free”.

  1. Reduce plastic use

Plastics can leach chemicals into food and drinks. Opt for glass containers whenever possible, especially for heating. Plastic containers advertised as ‘BPA-free’ may contain other harmful EDCs such as Bisphenol S (BPS).

  1. Take stock of air quality

Pay attention to indoor and outdoor air quality. Use air purifiers at home and at work, and avoid areas with heavy pollution.

  1. Heat exposure

Excessive heat can negativly impact sperm production. Avoid hot tubs, saunas, and tight-fitting underwear.

  1. Stay on top of your health

Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider can help monitor your overall health and identify any potential fertility issues early on. You can also monitor your sperm health at home and take note of any irregularities and improvements. Easy to use kits such as the YO Home Sperm Test empower you with knowledge on your motile sperm concentration which you can then share with your doctor.

Key Takeaway

While these tips help you improve sperm health, it’s essential to consult with a fertility specialist for personalized advice and guidance. By adopting these lifestyle changes and prioritizing your well-being, you can take proactive steps to protect your fertility.